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von Hoetmar




The Berlin artist Norbert von Hoetmar has created a unique basis for his artistic design.  His painting technique consists of transparent canvas and fluorescent tubes.  These elements, in conjunction with the influence of the factor of time, allow abstract as well as figurative motifs to appear at the surface of his works.

During the day, the abstract image appears as it is positioned on the canvas.  With increasing darkness in the evening, the light of the tubes – invisibly fixed behind the canvas – gradually develops a magical power of its own.  The deeper layers become visible; colours and contours transform themselves in an act of  constant modulation.  Representational motifs, most of them figurative, come to the fore but then vanish gradually with the dawning of a new day. A continuous process of composition and decomposition takes place in accordance with the 24-hour cycle of the day.  The classical static painting within a fixed framework has been supplemented by visible motion.  Paining has indeed achieved a dynamic dimension.

Norbert von Hoetmar graphically emphasizes figurative creations.  He conceptionally focuses on the representation of opposites in the form of abstract images and a representational image.  He renders time into a specifically perceived experience.

Translation: David Bean

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von Hoetmar, Berlin, Germany